Saturday, June 1, 2013

The murder of Fredrick

I dated this guy who was a total jerk amongst other things. He was a lying, cheating ass hole and a fish murderer.
I had this beautiful blue beta fish named Fredrick. I loved that fish he kept me very good company. He even sat shot go with me in a big Tupperware container when I moved two states away. He was a good travel buddy he was not one of those back seat drivers, gosh I hate those.
When I moved in with this jerk of a boyfriend he always ragged on me for not paying attention to Fredrick... Uhh its a fish, not a dog. Then suddenly one day I came home from work and noticed Fredrick wasn't there. I didn't want to ask my boyfriend what happend because I knew he was going to make some smart ass remark about me not paying attention to the fish. So for months neither of us spoke of the disappearance of Fredrick. It wasn't until we broke up and I was moving out that the truth was told.
He told me the was tired of feeding him and me not paying attention to him so he stuck him in the freezer!! He said it would have been painless and his little heart would have just stopped beating.
I had gone this whole time thinking that Fredrick had just died because thats what fish do. They dont have longevity on their side. But now I was faced with the shocking fact that my boyfriend thought I was an unfit fish owner and that Fredrick was better off dead then with me! I accused him of being Jeffery Dahmer and this is a sign of being a sociopath. I also informed him that he was the biggest ass hole of all time!
So today I was on a walk and walked by a pet store. I went in and bought myself a new beta fish named Frank, I am big on alliteration. I asked the lady at the store if I could have a green fish because the blue fishes reminded me of Fredrick. I told her I know I sounded crazy but she seemed to understand. Anyways today I throw both my middle fingers up at the jerk who thinks I am a bad fish owner. I am not the one who purposely killed the fish!!
I think Frank and I are going to be very happy.

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